Export To Twitter
tags: dev twitter wikidot
18 Oct 2010 20:57
From today on, you can export pages updates to your Twitter account. For each page created a Twitter status update will be posted.
The functionality is called Tweet My Wiki and is available for all Wikidot users (free and Pro).
This feature was coded mostly by me, including the Wikidot URL shortener, that utilizes Redirect module and internal PageSaver API (similar to pages.save_one external API method) to make it all happen.
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Lighttpd X-Sendfile Problem
tags: lighttpd php wikidot xsendfile
01 Oct 2010 18:03
It's not a secret Wikidot uses Lighttpd web server to serve its service. We also use X-Sendfile mechanism to deliver files more intelligently.
Instead of having a PHP process copying file through FastCGI to Lighttpd (which would copy it again to the client) we send a special header to Lighttpd naming the file it should serve to the client. This means PHP processes are terminated quicker, which result in overall better performance.
When working on a Wikidot bug (some uploaded files with some special characters in their names are not accessible using links generated by Wikidot itself), I discovered Wikidot also doesn't serve files whose name end with a space.
The problem disappeared when I (just for test) disabled X-Sendfile mechanism. Pure PHP has no problems in reading such files and sending them through Lighttpd to browser, so it seemed there's a problem with Lighttpd.
Lighttpd v1.4.24 introduced a second X-Sendfile header: X-Sendfile2, which asks Lighttpd to send a chunk of a file (from byte Xth, to Yth), but also a whole file (from byte 0th to the last one). The syntax is:
X-Sendfile2: PATH RANGE
Where PATH is URL-encoded file path (PHP's rawurlencode, not the non-standard urlencode), RANGE is X-Y (or "0-" for whole file), so changing:
header("X-Sendfile: " . $path);
header("X-Sendfile2: " . rawurlencode($path) . " 0-");
fixes the problem.