Ekipa Wikidota: "Będziemy na Barcampie"
tags: barcamp meet-us polish wikidot
17 Sep 2008 13:57
Liczna ekipa toruńskiego Wikidota, czyli my:
- michal-frackowiak
- Squark
- Gabrys — to ja :]
zjawimy się za parę dni w Poznaniu na Barcampie w naszych nowych odjazdowych Wikidotowych koszulkach (o ile zdążą nam je wydrukować).
Nie wiem jeszcze czy będziemy o czymś mówić, ale w sumie do gadania jest sporo, więc kto wie, może będzie jakiś krótki spiczyk :).
Comments: 1
Wikidot: Meet Us At Barcamp Poznań, Poland
tags: barcamp wikidot wikidot-blog
17 Sep 2008 13:54
I would like to announce, that Wikidot team will be present on Poznań Barcamp Meeting on September 20, 2008, Saturday.
More info about the meeting and its new shape at the Barcamp webpage. I hope there will be much free software and free cola.
Comments: 1
Wikidot 1.0 Roadmap
tags: opensource roadmap update wikidot
17 Sep 2008 10:56
Wikidot OpenSource is quite stable now. Considering security, it's the same as the Wikidot.com service (you can choose a different domain for uploaded files for example). We've moved development and production server to Lighttpd, and this is our main HTTP server right now. However we would like to support the old good Apache as well.
Here is the list of things to do before releasing Wikidot 1.0:
- fix Apache redirects to match Lightty's
- update and review the new controllers for
- uploaded files
- custom domain authorization
- clean up database
- check if unique on categories (by name) per site exists in main dump
- get rid of ucookie/ukey table (we don't need it now because of new secure checksum to authenticate users on a custom domain)
- copy SendPingBacksJob
- update script doing all of theese
- testing
- testing
- testing
I hope, the three last points, will be done with cooperation from wikidot-dev users :).
Comments: 1
Green Fresh Theme
tags: blog change green theme wikidot
14 Sep 2008 19:44
Hi, the theme I've worked on is added to the theme repository. And now it's the theme of my whole site!
You can rate and comment and grab it from:
I've successfully tested it on following browsers:
- Firefox 3, Ubuntu
- Opera 9.5, Wine
- Google Chrome Beta, Wine
- IE6, ies4linux (has some minor bugs)
- IE7, IE8 — http://ipinfo.info/netrenderer/
- Konqueror, Ubuntu
I hope you like it.